Do you have GIS-related data you want to share using open technologies? We will present you a way to publish data using QGIS via Layman QGIS Plugin and visualize them using HSLayers-NG, which is a web-based application for sharing data and maps from different HUBs with a broad community. These tools can contribute to enabling Citizen Science Network creation for better data sharing and understanding.
Who (is the webinar for): Students, researchers, data analytics, NGO, African and European projects, anybody in Africa and beyond, who is dealing with data management.
František Zadražil is a Project Coordinator of the HSLayers-NG framework. He has been working in the GIS field since he graduated in 2006 (Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Engineering). After the years of SW development using various platforms (MapServer, GeoServer, ArcGIS) he became a GIS team leader and project manager and contributed to implementing numerous GEO systems for the public and private sector. He has expertise in GIS architecture and analysis.
František Zadražil
Project Coordinator of the HSLayers-NG framework
Pavel Hajek is a researcher and a lecturer at the Department of Geomatics, University of West Bohemia. He participated in several EU projects such as OpenTransportNet, GEPAM, Peregrinus Silva Bohemica, or EUXDAT. His focus is mainly on data modeling, assembling, and gathering. His doctoral internship was taken at TU Delft (2014). Research activities: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), multidimensional data modeling – especially 3D data handling, cartography and visualization, 3D GIS/CAD/BIM.
Pavel Hajek
Researcher, Department of Geomatics, University of West Bohemia
Bente Lilja Bye has been a member of the GEO community since 2004, engaged both as representative in the GEO plenary, in committees and contributing to the GEO Work Programme, and currently represents Norway on the GEO Programme Board. Bente runs a small research and consultancy company, BLB, focusing on transforming Earth observation data to information and knowledge for societal benefit. She is responsible for Communication, Dissemination and Assessment as partner in NextGEOSS.
Bente Lilja Bye CEO, BLB & webinar host on behalf of Plan4all
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