Improve interoperability between methods for sharing in-situ and citizen-sourced data




  • Approaches for modelling citizen-science data through the OGC SensorThings API
  • Representation and visualisation of resources in the context of existing applications
  • SensLog solution for sensor data, integration of data from different sources

What: Initially, the webinar will introduce the benefits emerging from the utilisation of the OGC SensorThings API, as well as the problems that aims to address in terms of modelling both in-situ and citizen science sources of environmental information. Following this, presentations about existing relevant implementations will take place while also the  different use cases that will be addressed in the context of the hackathon shall be discussed. 

Why: Considering the constantly increasing volume of citizen-generated and in-situ data, it is of high importance to ensure that data of different origins are comparable and compatible, whilst facilitating their integration into models and the development of new applications. To this end, data collected from citizens including low cost sensors and IoT devices should be made available in a standardised and efficient way, supporting accessibility and future use.

Who (is the webinar for):  Technical audience, including IT administrators, software engineers, solutions providers and product managers that want to be engaged with novel approaches that leverage open APIs, OGC standards and IoT paradigms for in-situ and citizen-sourced environmental monitoring. Data providers and data consumers are also welcome to the group, because we would like to contribute to the data exchange possibilities.

About Your Presenters

Valantis Tsiakos is working as a Scientific Project Manager, member of the Smart Integrated Systems & Communication Team of the I-SENSE group of ICCS. His studies focus on Urban Planning & Regional Development from University of Thessaly and a MSc in Geoinformatics from Harokopio University of Athens. He has been involved in various EU funded projects, emphasizing on the application of information systems in the environmental sector. His scientific interests include: spatial data infrastructures, remote sensing, standardization, environmental applications, citizen science and crowdsourcing. He is representing the H2020 project WeObserve that aims to move citizen science into mainstream

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Valantis Tsiakos

Scientific Project Manager, ICCS/WeObserve

Joan Maso is a principal investigator of CREAF in the interoperability, quality and certifications tasks. (PhD in Geography, MSc in Physics, and a MSc in Electronic Engineering all in the UAB). Since 1995 he is a researcher at CREAF and GIS developer. Co-creator of the MiraMon compressed map and the MiraMon Map Reader idea in 1997; the first MiraMon technology for Internet distribution. Creator of Remote Sensing imagery visualization and download web data portals. Active member of the TC of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) since 2003 (editor OGC 07- 057r7 WMTS standard and chair of the Iberian and Latin American Forum). Spanish representative in the TC 211 and editor of the ISO 19165 Preservation of geospatial data and metadata. OGC Gardels gold medal. Involvement in various EU funded projects (GeoViQua FP7 project, H2020 ConnectinGeo, H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL, H2020 GroundTruth 2.0, H2020 WeObserve H2020 ERA-PLANET, H2020 E-Shape, H2020 BestMap, H2020 COS4Cloud, ESA-IHE Phenotandem) Chair of the OWS Common and member of the OGC Architecture Board. Senior member of IEEE and council member of the International Society of Digital Earth.

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Joan Maso

Scientist, CREAF/WeObserve

Michal Kepka is a researcher that participated in many EU projects (e.g. Peregrinus Silva Bohemica, GEPAM, DataBio, SDI4Apps etc.) as spatial data modeller, software developer, sensor data expert. PhD internship at Vidzeme University (2015). Research activities: spatial data modelling, application design and development, sensor data processing and publishing according to standards (e.g. OGC SOS, SensorThings, OMA NGSI), GIS.

Michal Kepka

Michal Kepka

GIS expert, University of West-Bohemia

Bente Lilja Bye has been a member of the GEO community since 2004, engaged both as representative in the GEO plenary, in committees and contributing to the GEO Work Programme, and currently represents Norway on the GEO Programme Board. Bente runs a small research and consultancy company, BLB, focusing on transforming Earth observation data to information and knowledge for societal benefit. She is responsible for Communication, Dissemination and Assessment as partner in NextGEOSS.

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Bente Lilja Bye CEO, BLB & webinar host on behalf of Plan4all