Open Land Use dataset: description, creation, and usage




  • Open Land Use model
  • Extensions to Open Land Use - some examples
  • Visualization tools for Open Land Use datasets
  • Introduction to two challenges related to Open Land Use, for the Dubrovnik INSPIRE hackathon and the Kampala INSPIRE hackathon

What: There will be shown some means of integrating various data into Open Land Use dataset. Users then could propose different data sources that they think is usefull to integrate into the dataset andsome real world application for which it could be useful.This webinar consist of three parts, a theoretical part: what is Open Land Use, what has changed in new version of it, how it is being created, how it is possible to access it, for what practical purposes the dataset can be used. And two pracitcal demos of working with the dataset in HSLayers map tool and in Jupyter Notebooks.

Why: Firstly, because now we have changed the data model of Open Land Use map to be able to easily extend for the new attributes (topics). And now it is good to test and improve this model as well as it is good to think about spatial extendability of the dataset. For the Dubrovnik INSPIRE hackathon it will be about extendability of attributes of the dataset and for the Kampala INSPIRE hackathon it is mostly about spatial extendability of the dataset to cover Africa. Also now, because it could be some new ideas from the participants of the hackathon.

Who (is the webinar for): People interested in monitoring Land Use and Land Cover and in general people interested in playing with data

About Your Presenters

Dmitri Kožuch has studied cartography and geoinformatics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University in Prague. He works in his field (cartography and GIS) from year 2012. For that time he has gained big experience in everyday work tasks, such as collecting, processing, harmonizing, analyzing, visualizing spatial data, creating metadata, developing web GIS applications, preparing maps for print, automating processes, writing projects’ reports etc. He has taken part in several European projects, for example, NisaGo, Plan4Business, SDI4Apps, OpenTransportNet. Actively takes part in various hackathons and challenges.

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Dmitri Kožuch

GIS expert, Plan4all

Sofia Peleli is Master of Science (MSc) “Geo-Enviromental Risks and Resources”, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece . She is interested in remote sensing and she is participating in the Kampala INSPIRE hackathon working on Open Land Use.

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Sofia Peleli

Environment & Disaster risk analyst, Hellenic Mediterranean University

Bente Lilja Bye has been a member of the GEO community since 2004, engaged both as representative in the GEO plenary, in committees and contributing to the GEO Work Programme, and currently represents Norway on the GEO Programme Board. Bente runs a small research and consultancy company, BLB, focusing on transforming Earth observation data to information and knowledge for societal benefit. She is responsible for Communication, Dissemination and Assessment as partner in NextGEOSS.

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Bente Lilja Bye CEO, BLB & webinar host on behalf of Plan4all